The Deep Work sm

Over the past few years I’ve been leading a charge to change the dynamics in my family.  It has been a number of hard years for us.  My brother was being superficial, and I was being directive resistant and shut down.  I was emotional all week and so scared about being vulnerable.  I finally looked my brother in the eye and told him how I was completely turned off from the emotions I had been, but that I wanted him to know that I cared.  I finally connected with him for the first time, and he opened up and told me how he was trying to do his part. he hugged me 3 times and held me longer than he ever has.  This was hugely profound.  At 50+, I’m no longer the little girl that can be bullied.  I’ve become an adult.  I have emotional and conversational tools now and am using them to create closeness for me and my family.

— Sally

Sally, Your Content Goes Here

You are very aware of people’s wounds and you really care; I felt understood. You are always a stand for encouraging depth, a container for caring. You really want to connect. You are honoring a deeper part of me than I was honoring in myself.


I experience you as a very evolved soul. The power and frequency that I have experienced aha moments with you is discombobulating to be honest. You bring up stuff for me that not everyone does. I’m glad for that. It is rare. I think you are incredibly special…I’m pulled toward you. You give me something so easily; I want more of it from you because I feel it is rare.


Who I’m being, right now, is who I am. I’m finding my own expectations of how I am supposed to be. It is so silly. I’m empty and feeling bubbly.


I just got the dream job and plenty of money. All I have to do is negotiate what projects I do once I get going.


I got my power back.


You have a special gift, the capacity to activate things in women because you hold space for us in a way that is difficult to find. You make it safe to get rid of old stuff; thus, we have more access and are more connected with ourselves. I can’t believe how fast you took me right to my core parental abandonment wound and how I was able to release it in a way that showed me a path forward for myself with my son.  I’m experiencing the integration of mind, body, spirit, my masculine and feminine, clarity, and a sacred sexuality.  I would have never thought I was awesome before, but this new experience of energy moving through my body has deeply changed me.  Also, I’m excited because now I have the capacity to feel attracted to a man with values I can align with. I admire you for the way you stand for and support people. This experience has been, wow, amazing.


I’ve been suffering from anxiety and pain from my face, my neck, my chest, and down to my legs. In our first session, I finally found that person to take care of me; it’s me. I lost my power when I was 9 years old; my father was brutal then and he beat me. Until our session, Matthew, I had never felt this kind of power before. I finally felt something for myself, that I can take care of myself. I found self-worth, man. It’s a space of nothingness with sparkles and one sparkle can blow up the whole planet. I never felt like that before…never got to that place. Thank you for your help. It is just such a delicate energetic thing that is so important. I feel good, Matthew. Thank you for helping me go there. These past few days I have been feeling my feelings with less anxiety. I’ve been setting and holding boundaries and people are responding to me differently. This is awesome.


If you would have told me I could I could be this happy, I wouldn’t have believed you.


I stopped going to therapy because I wasn’t getting anywhere.   Before, when I was alone, my thoughts and feelings would be dark, and I would have a general lack of hopefulness. My chest and abdomen would hurt.  My body would be still, and it was so uncomfortable that I would disconnect.  It was difficult for me to reach out to people that were struggling and difficult to do things that were good for me.  It’s like a door to my life has been opened.  When I let go of needing to understand and focused on my sensations, I felt an explosion of energy and lights I couldn’t understand.  I now feel tingly, centered, calm, and comfortable.   My life feels more connected now, more deep and colorful.  I feel peace, joy, a lightness of spirit, and hopefulness.  I’m feeling even more gratitude.  I can maintain my sense of lightness and bring it to others, as well.  I also see now that I can take a risk, speak from my core, and be vulnerable instead of always having shields around me. These shields prevent me from being effective.  If I let down the shields and be open, just willing to allow who I am and what is important to come out I can make a difference.   I am very upbeat, optimistic, happy, and engaging with those around me.  What you are doing takes so much compassion, focus, and wisdom.  This has been precious.  I’m blown away and so very grateful.  Thank you, Matthew.  You are an enigma and a blessing.


You are extremely empathetic and compassionate. I’m so impressed with your presence. Even when you are not speaking, I can feel your presence. You see things with such clarity and you have an ability to offer suggestions in a way that doesn’t bring up defensiveness. You have a natural linguist ability and you are able to focus in on a sentence and make it so much better with such kindness. You are so respectful.


Mastery, I see an artist in you, speaking with you and the way you showed up felt like a work of art.Being in the re alm of your energy and your field, it is like you are a teacher plant — it’s like going on a journey with your essence. You create a level of intensity that is so powerful and empowering.


I’m in Awe…I want you to know the impact, that feels like a gift, that you had on me. It means so much to be witnessed by you. The depth of feeling I had yesterday, I really needed that. You feel really spacious to me and like a space that I can drop into and access more open spacious place of connection — gooey like taffy, deep, expansive and so rich. Feeling gratitude today for your opening and sharing yourself with me. Into a rich, deep, spacious pool of human connection, openness and sadness. A sacred and strong, infinite plane of existence… beyond words. So many moments of being seen and sharing this deeply open resonant place as if it was water that I so desperately needed. I had no idea that I could meet someone and surrender into that space of everything and nothing, oneness, with no walls between pain and joy, no walls in me or in you and there can be eternal growth. I never knew that that level of connection was possible.


When you speak, I can feel my belly, the edges of what I want to be, and the opportunity to expand.


I’m able so say things to you, like my dreams and aspirations, that are extremely vulnerable and know that I’ll be received and appreciated.


You are a bridge between the spiritual divine and the grounded present moment.


Welcoming, expansive and expanding. Masterfulness, slow regulating awareness, welcoming, recognition, whole plane is so open and so inclusive, otherworldly. —


I’m a psychologist, but I don’t trust psychologists. I trust you.


When I hear your voice, I feel love flow over me.


I gave my power away about 10 years ago. I know when I decided to suppress this part of me because I was being vengeful and competitive, and it was creating conflict in my life. I realize now that I don’t want to be timid anymore because it makes me loose the connection to my influence. I realize that I don’t have to suppress that anymore. I like having my power back. Now I feel like I want access to my power and my ability to stand up for myself. I feel alert and a confidence and connection to my ability to effect other people and protect myself.


You make me feel safe, it’s essential for knowing myself better. Other people ask too many questions and don’t give needed time. You provide spaciousness and are there, listening, so well that you ask the right questions at the right moment and give enough space. Connection to deep hidden thoughts and emotions becomes easier. It’s just who you are that allows me to go deeper, faster, and safely, with you. You have a tone of voice that is soothing as well. It helps me go beyond gender, and be at ease with a male guide/coach. Thanks to you I could feel more, be in my body, and go deep inside to release. I sensed your supporting presence during the whole process. and in the end, I felt confidence growing and recognized my gifts. My family and society never accepted this wild part. It used to be so painful. Now I can be wild. You gave me an open door to my inner world, right to the places I was afraid to go alone. That’s a wonderful gift. A friend I see only once in a while told me yesterday that she could see I was more confident and centered. You opened the door, I do the job, and that’s a gift.


I’ve never been so happy and I never thought I could ever be this happy.


I was nervous at first. I couldn’t imagine how you were going to help me have an experience of my feelings. I imagined myself as a baby in the womb. I was able to touch him and caress his skin and I know what he is feeling without words. You made me feel very comfortable, like you and I have a special connection. That was the best session I ever had. Thank you.


You are a psycho spiritual shamanic cultivator of people and companies. Navigating the subtitles and nuanced depths of the psycho spiritual terrain and the inner wilderness. So generous, you just give so much without trying.


I experience you as an unfolding and I’m wanting a closeness with you, and wanting more of you and from you and at the same time I have some fear too, as your voice is so deep, assured, powerful and direct.


I learned to release the concept of right and wrong in a way that allowed me to face my shame and share that freedom with courage.  This experience is life-changing.


“Awaken and discover the person you have always been.” — Matthew Levy.

Awakening to be our true selves; peaceful, purposeful, and content; filling holes that seemed unfillable; releasing that which is no longer useful; rediscovering self, love, connection, purpose, and passion — all common outcomes from doing The Deep Work sm.

Compassion – Discovery – Enlightenment – Love sm

Matthew Levy Results Management Group Executive Coach deepwork deep work coach Family business

Welcome. I am Matthew Levy, a psycho-spiritual coach, and explorer for over twenty years. DeepWork is about going beneath and beyond the mind, sinking into the realm of our emotions, body, and subconscious to experience our past and present in a new way, resolve the grip the past has on us, and open an unknown and surprising future.

Combining a unique blend of Eastern and Western modalities, including somatic experiencing, embodiment, rapid release techniques, mastery in shadow, parts work/IFS, and positive psychology, I guide fellow journeyers to deeply feel and know their inner experience and let go of what is no longer needed from the past, to make room for a new future that is empowered by inner stillness, love, and passion and much more.   This journey has been most rewarding for me, and I’m excited to share it as we develop yours with you.

So, how do you know if this is for you?

Are you feeling stuck, anxious, sad, or dull?  Are you wanting to feel or behave differently and don’t know how?  Would improvement in the quality of relationships be valuable?  Are you underachieving and frustrated? Are you in one or more challenging relationships or repeating relationship patterns?  Just passing through a challenging time?

Has psychotherapy or hypnosis failed you?  Are you trying to get enlightened or address challenges of your past or present with meditation or psychedelics, but finding that either incomplete, slow, chaotic, confusing, retraumatizing, or just tired of the long and difficult integration period?  Are you finding you can’t quite get at something you are desperate to find or release?  If you are still reading, then you are in the right place.

Over the past 30 years, I’ve blended some extremely effective ancient traditions, some cutting-edge and efficacious modern methods, and new inventions of my own that enable us to explore our subconscious to find blindspots, change false beliefs, overcome challenges, reframe relationships, and release the hold that traumatic experiences and neglect have on us.  As we re-discover deep self-love, our disowned parts, the aspects of us that await your embrace, quickly grow and grow us, in ways that would never otherwise be imagined.

I’ll provide a balance of deep and vast spaciousness, presence, empathetic attunement, wisdom, and experience so that together, we can cultivate an outer environment and you will create an inner environment conducive to your profound self-knowing, clarity, transformation, growth, and self/other love.

Navigating the inner space of truth and wisdom beyond the mind, you hold your own internal safe space, where you will find and unlock the inner truth, reveal hidden experiences, and integrate fragmented aspects of identity into the wholeness of the integrated loving self.

From this peace, self-knowing and confidence will soar, relationship space will expand and deepen, and self-mastery will reveal itself from within, making advice-seeking obsolete and replacing it with a craving for self-knowing and exploration of the other in a relationship.

Thus, together, we can experience the beauty of improvisation and co-creation, whether as individuals, couples, partnerships, or groups, as the collaborative process reveals its artistic mastery.

I cherish the opportunity to delve together into the stillness where the tender and vulnerable depths of consciousness and inner truth await.

    Schedule your Intro to Enlightenment Session Today sm
    Call now to learn more: 305.482.3645

    Find and release:

    • Old Patterns
    • Parental and Attachment Wounds
    • Heartbreak
    • Trauma
    • Shame
    • Anxiety
    • Anger
    • Fear
    • Loss and Greif
    • Need
    • Confusion
    • The fallacy of Worthlessness/Unworthiness


    • Self-Love
    • Deep Inner Stillness and Peace
    • Equanimity
    • Feelings
    • Power
    • Boundaries
    • Creativity
    • Intuition
    • Self-Knowing
    • Trust
    • Bliss
    • Romance
    • Family
    • Career
    • Money
    • Confidence
    • Clarity
    • Focus
    • Vision
    • Purpose
    • and more…

    Disclaimer: Matthew Levy has more than 20 years of experience as a professional and psychospiritual coach with more years of deep spiritual and enlightenment practices.  He and Results Management Group, LLC via and otherwise do not offer psychotherapy or mental health counseling.  Diagnosable mental health or other health-related conditions should be referred to a healthcare professional.