
Don’t take my word for it,
read what clients have to say...

When people understand who they are and move through their barriers to effectiveness teams collaborate in a way that ignites innovation, flow and effectiveness. The power that brings a management team is tremendous, because leaders get very ambitious. Families unite as a result of the self-reflection, vulnerability, compassion and openness in communication. People develop, families unite, and companies grow. 

Ned Peverly
Ned Peverley.
VP, Corporate Strategy, Acosta Sales & Marketing Company

“Acosta was caught in an ongoing “tug of war” between delivering financial results and outstanding client services. Not surprisingly, this was a highly emotional issue with people in both camps. You provided a framework to address this issue in a productive and constructive manner that helped defuse many of the emotions involved…


In the end, my company had a clearer set of priorities and much better focus…it was helpful to expand my thinking to consider “what success is” and how to measure it. I am also identifying and addressing inconsistencies in our business and our commitments to clients and discussing the list of issues with others to make the list as comprehensive as possible and then take action on it… Thanks for leading us down this path.”

Gonzo Diaz, III
Gonzo Diaz, III.
CEO, Board Chairman, & Shareholder
Med Lab

“I used to be arrogant, and I made people uncomfortable. Now, I’m more present and more patient than I have ever been. I used to want to end conversations as quickly as possible. Now, I offer compassion and safety. I’m experiencing things I never dreamed I would experience. People are saying they feel comfortable with me and trust me more. I’m more invested in caring for the person I’m speaking to…


…I’m able to help people go from being totally irate to seeming never happier in their lives in one conversation. I’m much more present with people. I feel more connected to people. I never thought this would ever happen to me. I have a strong level of confidence in myself and resolve instead of spikes of panic and despair. A huge amount of anxiety disappeared. I also feel less tired. It has been a relief and it has been liberating. My relationship with the board is much more productive. One board member, my cousin, told me they couldn’t run the board without me. You are like the Confucius master. You challenged me; I first resisted, then I understood, and I did it. I’ve never been happier.”

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Stephanie Chloe Bedenbaugh.
VP of Operations and Human Capital, Prizim Inc

“The strategy sessions with the leadership team helped us develop our vision for the company…You helped us say things that needed to be said, and you helped us address the situation in a safe, respectful, and appropriate way. The planning we did on strategic initiatives was great.”

Jed Grennan
Jed Grennan.
CEO, Managing Partner, Grennan Fender

“There was some serious conflict and personality issues. I was concerned that I wasn’t going to be able to sell the firm and have the firm stay together. We went deep into why we are here and what we want to accomplish. The alignment of the management team is like we are an Olympic rowing team, all the ors in the water pulling at the same time….


…We are currently functioning at the highest level the firm has ever functioned at and shooting for opportunities that are going to be exciting and fruitful. I now have the confidence in the team that I can sell the firm.” (Went on to execute 2 acquisitions and the sale of the firm).”

Lucas Dias
Lucas Dias.
Vice President, Board Member, & Shareholder,
Med Lab

“Matthew, you saved our company…you have has a gift for navigating conflict and we are lucky to have been able to work with him…Relationships immediately started to improve …We have almost doubled the size of the business and we continue to grow as an executive team and a board.”

Chris Grim
Chris Grim.
CFO, Grennan Fender

“Doing this process was the most important decision we have made. It completely transformed the leadership team and really gave us the skills we need to continue the firm’s growth and success.”

Marty Nemzow Image
Marty Nemzow.
CEO, Network Performance

“There are a lot of useless consultants out there. But you are different. With laser-sharp insight and incredible speed, you helped me identify what was invisible to me and in the way of getting the results I wanted. You give me extremely supportive and, at the same time, brutally honest feedback — cutting through the bullshit, so I can focus on the most critical issues. You help me prioritize what is most important so I can act and accomplish what I want.”

Geoff Gallo
Geoffrey Gallo.
Vice President of Strategy, Grennan Fender

“I learned to release the concept of right and wrong in a way that allowed me to face my shame and share that freedom with courage. This experience is life-changing.”

Brian Shannon.
CEO, Healthcare Finance Partners

“You have provided tremendous value to me and my organization. I have been able to implement a more effective hiring selection process with improved criteria. Also, my work with you has opened up new lines of dialogue with my fellow workers and clients as well. As a result, I have already seen positive strides in the relationship and communication within my organization…


…. Furthermore, I have earned new business from clients due to this new way of interacting with them. They view me more as a partner and not as much as a vendor…the work that I have done with you has been so profound that I have strongly encouraged my network of executives to engage you immediately. My referral and endorsement are some of the best compliments I can give. I told them simply, “You must act now and call…he will open your mind to many new possibilities that you did not know even existed before!”

Richard Kincaid
Richard Kincaid.
COO, Vertical Computer Systems

“Our executive team had multi-level organizational and communication issues…weekly meetings were a power struggle…hindering our ability to define success, let alone attain it. We learned how to define success, recognize each other’s strengths and styles, allow each other to perform within their area of strength, and gain velocity in goal attainment…


…The result is a new culture for the executive team with more delegation of control for greater impact and success. As a company, we improved communications, which consummated in a discovery and realignment of staff within their areas of passion…the excitement of the staff is evident.”

Photo of Bobby Lipton
Bobby Lipton.
Partner, Idea Crossing, LLC

“You helped guide my business partner and me through a maze…we have a much better handle on our business and our core competencies…you made a huge impact on our business.”

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Rob Becerra.
General Manager, Kaplan Virtual Education,
Subsidiary of the Washington Post

“Our work together galvanized the executive team around a common mission, clarified our vision, and created a sense of urgency around critical priorities. I grew as a manager and learned to see myself and my work in a new light.”

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Patrick Shaughnessy.
Manager, TransUnion

“The conversation about the power of focusing everyone on the common goal, bringing people together to meet this goal, and how to achieve this to the benefit of all involved was very powerful, and I brought it back to my company right away. You have an incredible ability to work with diverse groups of people and to bring them together to achieve a common goal…”

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John Tullis.
 Managing Partner, Tullis Funds | Director of Strategy, Ryder, Inc.

“You challenged me with the reality of my situation on the one hand, and on the other hand, you forced me to articulate my objectives.  I immediately shifted my focus to things that would drive success toward my goals and removed distractions.  It helped me engage and commit to what I most passionately believe in, which improved my experience on a daily and ongoing basis.”

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Larry Wright.
Project Lead, Fortune 500 Oil Company

“I am happy to report that the [offshore] installation was a huge success. We completed the installation safely and ahead of schedule. You have great communication skills and know exactly how to get a message through to people. The superintendent was communicating with his crew in a noticeably different manner than what I am accustomed to…


…He inclusively solicited input from his crew rather than dictating. He also changed his demeanor while talking with them by being more courteous. The response was amazing. The crew was attentive, open, and lighter. I welcome your assistance in the future…”

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Product Manager, Rand McNally

“Your program helped me see that, often, I don’t really listen to people, and when I speak, I am not clear about what I want. Before your program, when I was at work, it was like I really wasn’t even there. Now, I catch myself judging people, and when I am about to say something I regret, I stop. I really hear what people say to me now, and I’m able to respond to people more thoughtfully…


…Your program was great for team building…I was communicating even more directly and powerfully the very next day, and people around me were in action as a result…I’m amazed by my ability to negotiate, stand for what I want, and be powerful without being pushy…”

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Sunny Kurman, CLU, ChFC,
Regional Vice President, Genworth Financial Services

“Market share doubled. Before we began working together, I had a market share of 30% across the board. Now it’s 50-82%. You challenged me to focus on purposeful intention in business and life, and you helped me navigate through milestones and consistent advancements. Your insights and observations were chilling and allowed me to consciously participate in breakthroughs that made our relationship together a real success.”

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Harold Gassenheimer.
CFO, CDR Maguire Inc.

“Many people listen from their agenda, but you don’t. You jumped right into my shoes and identified with my situation. You saw it from my perspective and the perspective of the other executives on my team. You seem to be able to take any situation and figure it out quickly, understanding the perspectives and motivators of all the people involved, and you do that even without knowing them…


…Your deep understanding of what motivates people is impressive. It is as if you are seeing through me — and understanding the entire company. That is not a common skill. You were able to quickly digest what I told you and respond with an accurate analysis of what doesn’t work on the team and in the company. You are both caring and involved, and you are the best listener I have known. On the spot, you developed a framework for diagnosing the problems and structuring potential solutions to the company’s dilemma. You quickly distilled a complicated business into its parts and laid out exactly what needs to be done in a structured and clear way. Thank you.”

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Bobbi Hauser.
CEO, Creative Image Interiors and Life/Styled Homes

“I had a breakthrough yesterday. I realized that what you said about me was true. Thank you for being so honest with me and for helping me to learn how to listen to and question my own mind.”

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Rabbi Kliel Rose.
Temple Emanu-El

“The process of creating a vision as a team was very helpful. We all thought that communication between us was very poor. We all agreed that we needed to become aligned and find a better way of expressing our values in our synagogue. When we sat down and put pen to paper, we realized that we had some commonality as a team and were able to articulate what was going well and what needed to be changed…


“The process of creating a vision as a team was very helpful. We all thought that communication between us was very poor. We all agreed that we needed to become aligned and find a better way of expressing our values in our synagogue. When we sat down and put pen to paper, we realized that we had some commonality as a team and were able to articulate what was going well and what needed to be changed…

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Jessica Kabat,
MSW, Therapist

“Since I started working with you, I have been able to focus on my work and make more effective progress with my clients. I have also gained insight into how I can accomplish the goals that I so deeply desire. Your style of communication and genuineness have enabled me to open up and express my true feelings and ambitions…


You have the ability to recreate people, and you actually listen. Plus, you are not judgmental. I feel like you relate to me. I am able to recreate those skills with my clients. I am more “with” my clients, I listen better, and I am less afraid of using my natural skills. Thank you so much for giving me the tools to be a more effective therapist.”

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Rochelle Broder-Singer.
Managing Editor, SouthFlorida CEO

“The work profoundly shifted my own thinking about my role in the company, how I contributed to the company’s environment, and how I could affect the company through my own actions and attitudes. Matthew surprised everyone on our team with his ability to get buy-in from even the most cynical participants. By the end of Day 1, even they were invested in the work. And by the end of Day 2, we were all spending time on the work he laid out for us.”

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Leo Preziosi, Jr.
Executive Director, Live Out Loud

“I feel like I’m slowly walking the tightrope without a net…I am excited…It is OK if things don’t happen; you have to just keep moving. I am getting more comfortable with my power. The more I am committed to it, the more things keep coming to me…O my god, [Live Out Loud] is going to change lives…


…It has already changed lives. It is going to change the face of history — not only for gay youth but also for straight youth. Empowerment, energy, and freedom to ignite others to see the potential of the business…”

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Barry Blumenfeld.
Executive Director and Choreographer, Tap Fusion

You skillfully guided me through analysis and realization of my vision for my company and life’s work. You gently guided me as I led the company through a process of defining who we were, what we wanted to do, what we expected of each other, and how we, as a team, could do it. We went on to successfully create our largest and most ambitious work to date, and the company continues to grow…


…You said to me that I would mark our first meeting as the start of everything changing — and you were right. Since our meeting, my organization has grown, and all involved are working happily together. You are unique in that your work is focused on the individual people involved, not just the group as a single entity. In a business world that tends to feel ‘heartless,’ You bring the focus back to the individual and his/her heart.”

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Amanda Eden-Fox.
Promotions Project Manager,
Havi Solutions (McDonald’s Happy Meals Worldwide)

“I have gained a significant amount of insight about myself and others…I started using the skills right away and am surprised that I am still, to this day, referring to them and applying them daily. I was skeptical that I would not retain the information or level of motivation I experienced in the sessions, but I am inspired that I am still using the skills, and they have made me more successful…”

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