Mining the Gems of Strategy in a Year-End Review

Problem: Most management teams fail to take advantage of the most strategic conversation available to them at year-end -- the one that unveils the hidden gems of learning that can have a profound impact both on next year’s strategy and on operational plans. What is the crucial conversation you ask? It’s the year-end review of the successes and failures of the past year. Having this discussion with the entire executive team present and doing it thoroughly ensures that the gems of strategy are mined, extracted, and polished to spectacular brilliance, ready to be applied immediately when the year begins. If [...]

2024-04-10T12:20:24-05:00By |CEO, Communication, Executive Team, Getting Results, Leadership, Managing Execution, Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mining the Gems of Strategy in a Year-End Review

Transforming Corporate Results: Five Critical Factors for CEO Success

CEO success depends on the ability to fulfill the ultimate responsibility: leading the company boldly into the future and inspiring and guiding people to achieve specific results. After years of consulting with and coaching executives from the likes of GE, Motorola, Chevron, BHP Billiton, and also many much smaller companies, I'm sure that transforming corporate results must be driven from the top -- and then supported throughout the company. CEOs that are able to align their executive team with a bold and compelling vision, empower it to begin the task of mobilizing the rest of the company. Senior executives frequently [...]

2024-04-10T14:29:53-05:00By |CEO, Executive Team, Leadership, Managing Execution, Organizational Alignment|Comments Off on Transforming Corporate Results: Five Critical Factors for CEO Success
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