Don’t Let Executive Team Dynamics Derail your Year-End Business Planning

Executive team dynamics can get in the way of developing and executing next year's strategies. Here’s why—and how to identify the elephant in the room. A healthy executive team rationally looks at last year’s performance and devises a clear strategy that sets the business up for success. But when team dynamics cloud the picture, strategies and budgets wind up weak or incomplete. And team members don’t fully commit to the plans, objectives, and actions necessary for success. Sometimes, these issues stem from legitimate disagreements about the best path forward. Other times, executives lack the skills and ability to align, a [...]

2024-04-10T14:20:06-05:00By |CEO, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Executive Team, Getting Results, Managing Execution, Organizational Alignment, Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t Let Executive Team Dynamics Derail your Year-End Business Planning

Excel at Execution to Achieve your Strategy

By Matthew Levy If your company is going to excel at managing better and more predictable results, it must excel at managing execution. Typical Performance Management is Inadequate Typical employee performance management is inadequate even if it includes some formal goal setting and annual performance reviews.  The problem is that these rarely inspire true commitment to goals that align with strategy or the predictable achievement of these goals in any manageable way.  It also doesn’t create a performance culture or give management the feedback it needs to properly assess performance, move projects forward, or create transparency. Mastery of Execution is Essential For [...]

2024-04-10T12:08:44-05:00By |CEO, Getting Results, Managing Execution, Organizational Alignment, Strategy|Comments Off on Excel at Execution to Achieve your Strategy

Get Results and Be Great with People

By Matthew Levy  Problem: The executives that I speak with want to get better results at work. Some people push too hard and are perceived as jerks or bossy overlords. Other people struggle to get results because they’re weak, don’t ask for what they want, or don’t hold others accountable. The Place to Start is Awareness: The place to start is awareness. Awareness of our strategy and tactics is helpful. And, awareness about how we are perceived by others at work is valuable. We can learn from that. When preoccupation about how we are perceived becomes a distraction, disempowering, or [...]

2024-04-10T14:15:18-05:00By |Communication, Conflict Resolution, Executive Team, Getting Results, Leadership, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Get Results and Be Great with People

Overcome the Six Hurdles to Effective Execution Management

The Problem: All people break promises some of the time and most companies are bad at execution management, accountability, and getting predictable results. The following are six barriers that are holding back your company.  Putting in place an effective system for managing execution will allow your company to overcome these hurdles. Six Hurdles to Effective Execution Management: #1 People often don’t keep their promises Keeping promises is the bedrock, heart and soul, glue, and foundation of successful and predictable execution. Do your leaders demand that people do what they promise or do they consistently tolerate excuses? In companies where people [...]

Mining the Gems of Strategy in a Year-End Review

Problem: Most management teams fail to take advantage of the most strategic conversation available to them at year-end -- the one that unveils the hidden gems of learning that can have a profound impact both on next year’s strategy and on operational plans. What is the crucial conversation you ask? It’s the year-end review of the successes and failures of the past year. Having this discussion with the entire executive team present and doing it thoroughly ensures that the gems of strategy are mined, extracted, and polished to spectacular brilliance, ready to be applied immediately when the year begins. If [...]

2024-04-10T12:20:24-05:00By |CEO, Communication, Executive Team, Getting Results, Leadership, Managing Execution, Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mining the Gems of Strategy in a Year-End Review

Will Your Executive Team Dynamic Contaminate Year-End Planning?

by Matthew Levy A dysfunctional executive team dynamic will create a weaker strategy and a budget executives don’t really believe in or commit to.  A strongly aligned and effective executive team will develop a more innovative strategy and a better budget. So, one of the most important and timely decisions a CEO must make now is whether or not to address executive team dynamics as part of planning for next year. Problem: As we enter the tail-end of the year, executives are balancing these three things simultaneously: Ensuring results for this year, Planning strategy for next year, and Creating a budget based [...]

2024-04-10T12:41:50-05:00By |CEO, Executive Team, Getting Results, Organizational Alignment, Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Will Your Executive Team Dynamic Contaminate Year-End Planning?

Manage Execution to Grow Like the Inc. 5000

by Matthew Levy Inc. magazine’s September 2013 issue features the 32nd annual list of the Inc. 5000 – a collection representing some of the finest companies in the country.  There’s no one industry they hail from, no single geography, and are spread across B2B and B2C – from business services to financial services to consumer products to healthcare to energy and more.  Their revenues range from 2 million to over 10 billion dollars. What do they have in common? Performance – 3-year growth rates of 34% to 43,000%.  How did they get there and what does it take to manage [...]

2024-04-10T12:52:33-05:00By |CEO, Executive Team, Getting Results, Managing Execution, Organizational Alignment|Comments Off on Manage Execution to Grow Like the Inc. 5000

Why Even Top Performers Stop Short of Doing Their Best Work

"I need my people to be honest with me ─ tell me what I need to hear ─ and push themselves to get the results without me having to push them." ─ a frustrated CEO and client The Problem: Sometimes, even the intelligent and talented fall short of stellar performance. Are they just afraid to push it when their results suffer? The Real-Life Situation: The VP of Supply Chain and a client was a very successful executive with a strong pedigree -- top of his class at West Point, MBA from a top school, and previously a strategy consultant. He [...]

End Sabotage and Cure Organizational Schizophrenia

Executives frequently disagree with decisions that the executive team – or the CEO – have already made.  Sometimes, we even disagree with how a decision was made.  However, after a decision is made, we make a choice to either act in accordance with the decision or to act and speak consistently with what wish the decision was.  While we don’t often call it this, acting inconsistently with a decision that was made,  covertly or overtly and intentionally or unintentionally, is a toxic act of sabotage, negatively impacting the behaviors of others and diminishing the intended results. Furthermore, when we give [...]

Don’t Miss Your Numbers, Call a Time-Out

Don't miss your numbers this year. Now is the time to get the company back on track before it's too late. Call a time-out and get the executive team offsite to assess the company's progress to date, resolve all the issues, and make plans to insure success for the year. Here is how...

2024-04-10T13:30:07-05:00By |CEO, Executive Team, Getting Results, Managing Execution, Organizational Alignment, Strategy|Comments Off on Don’t Miss Your Numbers, Call a Time-Out
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