About Matthew Levy

Matthew Levy is the Chief Catalyst and Founder of RESULTS MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC, an executive management consulting and executive coaching firm in Miami, FL that dramatically improves business results in any area by: expanding vision, ambition and commitment; focusing and aligning executive and other management teams to enhance focus and effectiveness; developing organizational environments in which people thrive; and coaching executives and teams to perform beyond expectations. We are experts at guiding clients to expand vision and achieve the clarity, commitment, accountability and effectiveness required to create truly extraordinary business results in any area.

Don’t Miss Your Numbers, Call a Time-Out

Don't miss your numbers this year. Now is the time to get the company back on track before it's too late. Call a time-out and get the executive team offsite to assess the company's progress to date, resolve all the issues, and make plans to insure success for the year. Here is how...

2024-04-10T13:30:07-05:00By |CEO, Executive Team, Getting Results, Managing Execution, Organizational Alignment, Strategy|Comments Off on Don’t Miss Your Numbers, Call a Time-Out

Aligning Executives with the Board: $8 million to the Bottom Line

Despite all the rage of the balanced scorecard, management by objectives (MBO), and the lip service paid to alignment, many CEOs still struggle to know the extent of their employees' commitment to corporate objectives. Putting the number on the power point slide, the scorecard, or getting the "yes" nod, doesn't necessarily ensure appropriate action. Whatever the strategy or objective, it is crucial to pay close attention to exactly what your executives are committed to and for what they are willing to be held accountable. Results Management Group was hired by a publicly held global manufacturer of electronic equipment to assist in [...]

2024-04-10T13:47:12-05:00By |CEO, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Executive Team, Getting Results, Leadership, Organizational Alignment, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Aligning Executives with the Board: $8 million to the Bottom Line

Consultant Lists 10 Symptoms of Management Dysfunction

Miami, FL, December 5, 2007 -- John Thain, CEO of Merrill Lynch, has pledged to revamp the bank's culture in response to insufficient management team cooperation that he believes could have contributed to the $8bn mortgage write down according to the Financial Times on December 3, 2007. "Thain's acknowledgment of culture and Management Dysfunction as a key contributor to poor business results is a courageous admission and other CEOs should be investigating it as well," said Matthew Levy, CEO of Results Management Group. "The impact on corporate culture of poor executive level collaboration may be the single most underestimated cause [...]

2024-04-10T14:40:18-05:00By |Uncategorized|Comments Off on Consultant Lists 10 Symptoms of Management Dysfunction

Getting Results: 5 Elements of Effective Strategy Execution

There are some critical elements of strategy execution that we can implement today by being more effective in our conversations with our colleagues. As we model these aspects of effectiveness, we will dramatically alter our results and the way work gets done. In the areas that you are not getting the business results you seek, which one or more of these 5 aspects are missing? 1. Relationships Relationships are the foundation of all accomplishments. If a relationship isn’t one of trust and support then it can’t handle straight open communication and results suffer. Do all your relationships support the results [...]

2024-04-10T14:32:27-05:00By |Communication, Culture, Executive Team, Family Business, Getting Results, Leadership, Managing Execution, Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Getting Results: 5 Elements of Effective Strategy Execution

Transforming Corporate Results: Five Critical Factors for CEO Success

CEO success depends on the ability to fulfill the ultimate responsibility: leading the company boldly into the future and inspiring and guiding people to achieve specific results. After years of consulting with and coaching executives from the likes of GE, Motorola, Chevron, BHP Billiton, and also many much smaller companies, I'm sure that transforming corporate results must be driven from the top -- and then supported throughout the company. CEOs that are able to align their executive team with a bold and compelling vision, empower it to begin the task of mobilizing the rest of the company. Senior executives frequently [...]

2024-04-10T14:29:53-05:00By |CEO, Executive Team, Leadership, Managing Execution, Organizational Alignment|Comments Off on Transforming Corporate Results: Five Critical Factors for CEO Success

The Art of Delegation

The following appeared in the Monthly Newsletter of Kaplan Virtual Education - September 2009.  (KVE was the Division of Kaplan Education, a subsidiary of the Washington Post and later sold to K12, Inc.) The Art of Delegation   -  from an interview with Matthew Levy, CEO, Results Management Group For the past six months, Matthew has worked closely with KVE management, guiding employees as individuals and teams toward greater vision, clarity, alignment, collaboration, and committed action. In the following article, he shares his insight on how to effectively communicate requests and promises to achieve better results. Do you ever not get [...]

2024-04-10T14:17:06-05:00By |Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Art of Delegation

Creating a Performance Culture with Effective Requests and Promises

In business as in life, we can experience much disappointment when we don’t achieve the results we seek. It is easy for us to blame others for not doing what we want them to do. What is more difficult is to be responsible for the conversations in which we attempt to ask for what we want. Much of the time, our unfulfilled expectations are a result of the way we manage requests and promises. It is in those conversations that we have the opportunity to enhance the likelihood of getting the results we are committed to and to transform the [...]

2024-04-10T14:18:34-05:00By |Communication, Conflict Resolution, Culture, Family Business, Getting Results, Leadership|Comments Off on Creating a Performance Culture with Effective Requests and Promises
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